

Since its foundation in 2017, the Deutsche Squad Gemeinschaft, with its member clans, has developed into one of the most active and largest squad communities. Here you can find an overview of our clans and their contact persons.

Infanterie Regiment 58 Logo

Infanterie Regiment 58

Mitglieder: 40

Profile picture

JacTR Admin

Profile picture

Keulen Klaus Admin

Profile picture

SGM_ghost Admin

Bomb Squad Logo

Bomb Squad

Mitglieder: 39

Profile picture

The_Dark_Dasher Reserved

Profile picture

[KG] Garfield Admin

1. Jägerkompanie Logo

1. Jägerkompanie

Mitglieder: 60

Profile picture

Bud-Muecke Admin

Profile picture

Metro_Man2033 Admin

Profile picture

Sir_Meister Admin

Profile picture

SaniSchlumpf Admin

DSG-Tag Logo


Mitglieder: 3

DSG tag

You want to join the DSG but still remain without a clan? This is, after consultation with the DSG admins no problem! Players who distinguish themselves by their behaviour towards other players and by supporting the community of the Deutsche Squad Gemeinschaft are offered to wear the DSG tag.